Our Aims and Methodology

Submitted by admin on Mon, 08/12/2019 - 06:42

Research Methods:


Study 1 - Identifying the early signs of ovarian cancer symptoms using loyalty card data: a Case-Control Study

This study aims to identify whether there is a significant changes in purchases (e.g. pain killers, indigestion medication) among women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer prior to their diagnosis by comparing past loyalty card data with women who have not been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. 

Study 2 - Testing the effectiveness of using loyalty card data for identifying early signs of ovarian cancer: a Prospective Cohort Study

The aim of this study to assess the effectiveness of using loyalty card data for identifying early signs of ovarian cancer in an apparently healthy population. As part of this study, we will aim to recruit approximately 50,000 women across UK. (commencing in 2021)

Study 3- Understanding public preferences in communicating early signs of ovarian cancer using loyalty card data

The aim of this study to identify how to report back information on potential signs of ovarian cancer back to individuals based on their purchase information. (commencing in 2021)